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Northeastern University – Charlotte talks about how ‘innovation meets healthcare’

Jun. 08, 2022

Healthier communities require an inventive mindset from leaders inside and outside the health care industry. That’s why Northeastern University–Charlotte campus took up the topic earlier this spring, hosting a panel discussion titled “Innovation Meets Healthcare.”

The panel and audience. The panel from left: Caroline Hudson, Charlotte Business Journal, Moderator; Becky Fox, MSN, RN-BC, Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Atrium Health; Carmen Sceppa, MD, PHD, FGSA. Dean, Bouve College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University; Paula Kranz, MPSA, Executive Director, Novant Health Innovation Lab; Mike Vander Baan, MBA, Chief Strategy Officer, StarMed Healthcare. Angela Hoskins, MBA, MSN, RN. CEO and Dean, Northeastern University-Charlotte.

Angela Hosking, CEO and Dean of Northeastern University–Charlotte, gave welcome remarks ahead of the panel discussion, moderated by Charlotte Business journal reporter Caroline Hudson, who covers healthcare. The panel featured:

  • Carmen Sceppa, dean of Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University
  • Becky Fox, vice president and chief nursing informatics officer, Atrium Health
  • Paula Kranz, executive director, Novant Health Innovation Lab
  • Mike Vander Baan, chief strategy officer, StarMed Healthcare

Through creative approaches, these leaders are transforming modern health care to deliver better access and quality service. They offered ideas on how partnerships can inspire a healthier community. They shared examples of how collaboration and creativity in the health care industry can improve lives. Some of those examples featured ideas on how to deliver health care outside of traditional brick-and-mortar medical facilities.

Kranz, who for much of her career was a military intelligence officer, said, “One of the major impediments to getting good health care is many people don’t have good transportation or don’t have insurance or they feel intimidated. … I look at what the VA is doing to innovate, and I wonder why can’t we do that. I look at what other industries are doing and I’m thinking, ‘why can’t we translate that to health care?’ Manufacturing has been using augmented reality for a long time. Why can’t we do that in health care?”

You can watch the full discussion here.

The event was part of the 10th annual Local Leaders Global Impact Speaker Series. Since 2012, the program has highlighted important topics that have a local, national, and global impact. Join us this year for stimulating discussions featuring local experts and globally renowned Northeastern faculty and researchers.

I look at what the VA is doing to innovate, and I wonder why can’t we do that. I look at what other industries are doing and I’m thinking, ‘why can’t we translate that to health care?’ 

Angela Hosking
CEO and Dean of Northeastern University–Charlotte

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